If u want to buy a good and cheapest product from Colombo air port duty free (arrival)? People search web for find answer for this. We recommend to flow the following rules. Otherwise there is a big chance to loose your money or end up buying bad product.
First collect your all baggage's and ready to go shopping...
1.We recommend to look for a famous branded product and go to it's dealers shop first. For an example if you are looking to buy a Sony TV then go to "seadles" shop or LG TV go to "Abans" or"Singer" shop.
2.Chose a product model and compare the prises in other shops. Sometimes sales assistants encourage you to buy at their shops. Don't fall in to that. Take your time walk around and find cheapest of the selected model. Most of the time u can see brand dealers shops offers the cheapest prise but not always.
3.We recommend not buy things like Mobile phones, Electric irons, Blenders,Computer parts, water kettles ...ect. Normally these products are under 30us$ and u can find same product in Colombo city for much cheaper prise.
4.We advise no to buy all things at one shop. Follow first and second rule for each product. This may take time but surely you end up with best and cheapest items.
5.After selecting items ask sales assistant to operate it then make sure it is in working condition and see without any damages,scratches to surfers.Remember this is impotent. Don't forget ask a valid guarantee card.
6.We strongly recommend you to count your money in front of sales assistant and ask him to count in front of you. Beware !.Some are doing magics to disappear your currency notes. For an example think you pay 100us$ in 10 notes each value is exact 10 us$. Some bad sales assistants up there change 10us$ currency notes in to one us$ note in a split of a second(While another one interfering you) and ask for another 9$. Beware! this kind of things are common in Colombo airport duty free shops(arrival) and make sure to keep all the attention on the money which you are paying.
7.But we recommend you to pay in cash other than using credit cards or debit cards. We only recommend to use credit or debit cards at world famous "alphpa orient lanka"(liker shop).
8.We advise you to ask for a porter to carry your things.They will transport your things in to your vehicle safely. For the porter only pay Rs100/= . Don't bother about what they say and don't think you waste 100/=.
9.If you are buying liker bottles ask one bag for each bottle and make sure they all pack well before transporting. You carry your bottles while porter take care of other things. In an average day 3-6 liquor bottles broke in terminal only.So take care of your bottles.
10.We advise to load your things in correct side. Look at the sings printed. Porter will do it but we advise you to supervise loading. If you looking for a taxi always ask for airport taxi's. Airport taxi's charges are 5% higher than normal but Airport staff guarantee the safety of your things and arrange comfortable journey to your home or hotel.